December ended with a bang for me and I hope this new year continues. So, when you think of CLEAN comedy, whose the first name to pop in your head... Eddie Murphy. Noooo, Richard Prior... Nooooo, the one and only BILL COSBY.
When I was a kid, I used to watch Bill Cosby on tv, playing Dr. Cliff Huxtable on his show named The Cosby Show. I also use to listen to him on live records, yes the black, grooved things that spun on a record player.
What a gentlemen! I was backstage with Mr. Cosby taking pixs of a gift that the theater presented to him. Mr. Cosby was more worried about making sure I was getting the shots that the theater required of me. Him holding a framed picture of the old Genesee Theatre when it first open. It was an old black and white photo of the old marque and people entering the theater. I've never have a talent put me first! Usually the photographer is the last on the ladder for being thought of and accommodated for. So to say the least it was enjoyable night.
I was given 10 minutes of shoot time any where in the theater but had to be at least 10 rows back. After getting the required shots and some favorites, I sat back and enjoyed the rest of the show.
What an amazing comedian, to be funny and clean.
Next up is Brian Setzer, from the Stray Cats.
Till next time