I couldn't tell you how excited I was to be able to see them in person let alone hang out back stage as Genesee Theatres photo man. It truely is unbelieveable that these guys off stage are no different than you or me. These guys were truly humble, and just wanted to hang out, until there onstage. This is the place for them to let all the fustration of the world come out. It was a great concert, after 23 years of being together, these guy still "rock"!
Tesla also had two great warm up bands to get the juices flowing for the main event. The first set belong to a band named Damaged. They were up there for almost an hour just jamming away. They have a great sound to them and my feeling, if it matters, you will be seeing alot more of them in the near future.

The second set with The Leo Project was another jam session of rock and roll 80's style. Minus the big hair and gobs of makeup. Tesla couldn't made a better choice before taking the stage, than to have these great bands get everybody to rock the night away.