I had a very entertaining night of folk music over at the Genesee Theatre this past couple of Saturdays ago. Folk music, when I asked someone that question and heard the response of some banjo playing, moonshine drinking folk from up in the mountains, I couldn't disagree more. I had thought I had an idea of what it was, kinda along the same lines my friends response, but no its deeper. Its deeper than most country music is. Oh, I'm not going to get all mushy and sappy, but I will say folk music has a real story. Not just about a pickup truck and girl, well some songs have that in them, but that's not whats it all about.

I had the privilege to shoot Nancy Griffith, a award winning folk singer, song writer. As I was there doing my thang, shooting away and actually listening to the music, I started to get it, and was truly enjoying the concert. Don't tell the people over at Genesee that, they might want to charge me for admission or take back my check.

If your open to all kinds of music and have a chance to hear a folk band, give a try, you might be surprised on how much you like it. I certainly was, I went to Itunes and bought a couple of Nancy songs. Here is couple pics from her concert the other night at Genesee Theatre.